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Previous we a written a post about the paypal donation widget which you can place in your blog sidebar . But now we are talking about creating PayPal donation link below each post of your blog labeling it Buy me a beer.This hack was created by betabloggerfordummies.Now lets start creating this hack.

First of all Login to your blogger Account. After that goto your blog Edit Html Page . Finally Expand widget Template and Follow these steps below.

Step 1
Add the following CSS code Just above ]]></b:skin> Tag in your Template.
.separator {
height: 40px;
padding: 4px;

Step 2
Now search for the following line of Code in your Template.

<p class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-3'/>

Step 3
Now Paste the following Code Just below the Above code from step 2.

<div class='separator'/>
<form action='https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr' method='post' target='paypal'>
<input name='cmd' type='hidden' value='_xclick'/>
<input name='business' type='hidden' value='drbhatns@gmail.com'/>
<input name='return' type='hidden' value=' '/>
<input name='item_name' type='hidden' value='Buy me a Beer?'/>
<input name='amount' type='hidden' value=''/>
<input align='left' alt='Why not buy Name a Beer!' hspace='3' src='URL OF BEER MUG IMAGE' title='Why not buy Name a Beer!' type='image'/></form>
<a href='https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_xclick&amp;business=drbhatns@gmail.com&amp;currency_code=&amp;amount=&amp;return=&amp;item_name=Buy+Me+a+Beer' target='paypal'>Buy Name a Beer :-) if you liked this post.</a>
Before you paste the code you need some modification in the code. Replace drbhatns@gmail.com with your own Paypal Email Id.Replace Name with your own Name.and finally replace URL OF BEER MUG IMAGE with the beer image Url .


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