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Internet Explorer which is the web browser of Microsoft corporation is now officially available for download from Microsoft corporation at Internet Explorer Homepage.According to Microsoft Corporation Internet Explorer 8 (IE8) is the fastest web browser available in the market till today.

IE8 comprises more features than the other web browsers and previous versions of Internet Explorer like Accelerators , InPrivate Browsing , Web Slices , Search suggestions , SmartScreen Filter and many more.

IE8 has been in beta version for over a year but now its final version is released.It will be interesting to surf the final version of IE8.So Download IE8 from Internet Explorer 8 homepage now.


2 Responses to "Internet Explorer 8 now available for Download"
Anonymous said...
March 19, 2009 at 1:04 PM

Nice information Deniesh...
So How are you?/

nazz said...
April 12, 2009 at 9:44 AM

Thanks for the information..

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